Saturday, September 1, 2012

Volunteer Squash

Last year we grew a variety of squash.  At the end of the season a lot of them ended up in the compost pile because they either rotted, molded in the basement because I was pregnant and not in the mood to make it.  So, this year, our old compost pile grew a lot of volunteer squash.  Here are some pictures of the random mutant fruit we have in the garden.

This pumpkin looks a lot like the Cinderella Pumpkins we grew last year, but I have never seen one so yellow!
 This also looks like the Cinderella Pumpkin....

These are just small pumpkins. (we didn't grow any small pumpkins last year, so who knows what combination this came from)

These are my favorite 'mutant' squash.  They have the coloring of the Delicata Squash, but they are shaped like pumpkins.  

I am not planning on eating any of these.  We have plenty of other winter squash.  I just thought it was fun to see what these volunteer plants grew.  Most likely the small pumpkins will be table decorations and the large ones will look good on the front porch.